DJC Systems – Security Services – Managed Services – Professional Services – Cloud

Managed Security Services

Helping You Secure Your Tomorrow, Today

Our managed security services are designed to take the guesswork out of protecting your business. We’re here to deliver straightforward, effective solutions tailored to your unique needs. Think of us as your trusted partner in cyber defence, always ready to safeguard your digital landscape with expertise and a personal touch.

Your Business Security, Customised and Clear

Protecting your business’s future means being prepared today. We understand that each business faces unique cyber security challenges. That’s why we’ve developed a range of managed cyber security services that are not just comprehensive but also customised to fit the uniqueness of your business operations.

Direct Solutions for Specific Needs

Tailoring security to fit you perfectly, we provide managed cyber security solutions that address your unique challenges and threats, including advanced Cyber Security Awareness Training (CSAT) and Phish Threat training.

Growth Support

As your business evolves, our managed IT security services adapt, ensuring your growth is supported by robust and scalable security measures, including enforcing the use of password management and regular backup management reviews.

Transparent Cost Management

With our team, you get cost-effective services, designed to help you effectively manage your IT budget while accessing comprehensive protection.

Proactive, Not Reactive

Our proactive approach to cyber security keeps potential threats at bay with real-time threat hunting and 24/7 security monitoring, offering you peace of mind.

Certified and Trusted

Our security team is well-versed and experienced in every aspect of cyber security, ensuring that your business is in the most capable hands. We conduct regular disaster recovery planning and strategy exercises to keep your disaster recovery runbooks up to date.

Decoding Cyber Security for You

In a world of cyber threats, our managed security services make cyber security understandable and actionable. Our experts are skilled in incident response and threat intelligence, bringing clarity and confidence to your digital environment.

What We Offer

We offer a suite of tailored cyber security services designed to meet the unique needs of your organisation. From proactive monitoring to strategic defences, our focus is on delivering customised, effective solutions that enhance your security posture while aligning seamlessly with your business operations.

Vigilant Monitoring

Our managed security services include round-the-clock surveillance to detect and neutralise threats early.

Swift Incident Response

We ensure minimal impact from any security incident with our efficient and quick response.

Strength in Vulnerability Management

With managed detection and response, we turn potential weaknesses into strong defences.

Customised Defense Strategies

Our services include robust firewalls and endpoint security, specifically designed for your network and devices, and reinforced by geo-location-based access and device compliance.

Empowerment Through Knowledge

Training your team in cyber security awareness, we make sure they are an effective line of defence.

Straightforward Compliance

We guarantee that every aspect of your business is compliant with ASD’s Essential 8 recommendations.

Strategic Cyber Security Consulting

Our security experts provide long-term strategies to secure your business against cyber attacks for years to come, complemented by our co-managed SOC.

Co-Managed SOC

We offer advanced threat hunting, trip wires, change detection, canary file monitoring, and malware detection built into backup systems. Our class-leading AI detection platform and human expert threat hunters provide 24/7 eyes on screen support, system isolation, and remediation plan creation.

Security Audits

Our comprehensive cloud audits cover high-use platforms such as Office 365 and Microsoft Entra ID, formerly Azure AD, ensuring thorough scrutiny of your digital infrastructure.

The DJC Difference

At DJC, cyber security is more than just a service – it is a partnership. This ethos is reflected in our strategic alliance with Huntress Security, enhancing our commitment to making cyber security simple and accessible for every business. 

Our collaboration with Huntress empowers us to offer a co-managed security solution, integrating their global expertise with our hands-on approach. This synergy ensures that our managed security solutions are not only easy to understand and implement but also exceptionally vigilant and responsive. By intertwining Huntress Security’s expansive reach with our bespoke service model, we assure that cyber security seamlessly integrates into your business strategy, strengthened by a partnership that’s vigilant around the clock.

Beyond Cyber Security: Your Comprehensive IT Partner

Our expertise reaches far beyond cyber security. We recognise the diverse IT challenges that businesses face today and are committed to providing comprehensive solutions that do more than just protect; they empower. Our services, including managed IT and strategic consulting, are tailored to ensure that technology becomes an enabler of your business success, not a hindrance.

Our approach to IT is holistic and proactive, meaning we’re not just about solving problems; we’re about creating strategies that anticipate and align with your business’s future needs. Whether it’s optimising your network infrastructure, cloud services, or implementing cutting-edge solutions, our team ensures that your IT infrastructure is secure, robust, scalable, and aligned with your business goals. With us, technology becomes a seamless part of your growth journey.